Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Week Twenty-Eight

Thanks so much for the photos. I can't believe how big Kesler is - such a cutie pie. Love that little man and all of you for that matter. And the big news, I got transferred to a new area Oncautivo! It's about 2.5 hours north of Bell Ville and a lot closer to the Capital Cordoba. It's a small little town again which I'm grateful for. I'm with a new companion Hna Waters. She's from Twin Fall Idaho, and this is her last transfer in the mission. The apartment is a little smaller and dirtier because it used to be an elders apt not to long ago. We are white washing the area. Which means we're both new. Hna Waters had about 3 days last week to sort of get to know the area before I showed up this morning. It's a very small branch with about 5 active families. But I have faith that we can find those whom the Lord has prepared for us. Vamos a tener excito! (We are excited!) We are going to have sucess!
I'll be honest, it was a bit hard to say good bye to the wonderful people of Bell Ville I really feel a lot of love for them. When Hna Elena found out I was leaving she called us and invited us to have asado last night at her place. It was a really nice good bye and it was hard to hear her ask to never forget her. I don't think I ever can. She really helped me grow as a missionary as I realized the power my words can have when I speak by the power of the spirit.
The past week we had a lot of problems with our bikes not working and flat tires, but the Lord blessed us to be in the right time as always. I've been trying to improve my contacting skills and this last week I felt the help of the Lord. We were looking for a reference but I couldn't find the number so I stopped to ask a family that was siting outside there house. And low and behold it was the house I was looking for but the other family had moved about 3 weeks ago. So we started talking and they asked why I was looking for this person and I explained how we're missionaries. And they asked why I gave up everything to serve a mission and I shared testimony of Jesus Christ and I felt the words just flow out of my mouth about how the Savior changed my life and that He can change their lives to. The lady wanted to know how and she invited us in to explain. She suffers from depression, but within the week I could see a light come into her eyes as we would pass by and teach her and as she was reading the scriptures and praying. It was a miracle before my eyes. The last day she was smiling and talking with us. I know this gospel can change lives because it's centered on Jesus Christ. He has the power to heal any broken heart. I love my Savior. He changed my life and I feel more peace everyday because of Him.
I send you all my love and hope you all have a fantastic week.
Love Hna Potrie

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