Monday, July 9, 2012

Week Forty-Five!

Hey fam jam,

So I sit down to write and it always seems that I have to scratch my brain for what to say. Our investigator Carlos is getting ready for his baptism this coming weekend. It's been so long that I can hardly believe it's real. He is so awesome though and really I can see the gospel blessing his life everyday. Yesterday we taught him about  tithing and he's totally willing to pay. Poor guy though hasn't had much schooling, so he doesn't know how to calculate 10%. We're trying to come up with a way to help him. But whats more important is his willing heart to do it. We've also been working with a lot of older men with all sorts of addictions. We're really contemplating starting an addiction recovery program. It's just amazing how much satan uses the things of the world as false moments of satisfaction, but really they leave these people worse off every time. The things of the Lord bring a peace and joy that's eternal and Satan can't manufacture that. 

I can't believe it's been 10 months in the mish. Not that I'm counting, it's just crazy how fast the time is going. And next week will been transfers so like always, email will be a guessing game. I have no idea what will happen. I've given up guessing because it seems my will isn't the Lords will, so I just pray to accept his will no matter what it is. 

Make sure to tell the Gwilliams congrats on their mission call what kind of a mission is it? And tell Austin congrats as well. That's crazy, Paris France but Mandarin speaking. Way cool. It's awesome to hear about all these other missionaries getting ready to enter the field. It's such a great experience they are about to start. It's hard but every single day is worth it to help others find the joy of the gospel. 

I'm a little jealous of the hot weather. It's been cold here but nothing a good pair of tights and a few sweaters can't handle. Oh and Happy Independence day of Argentine today. All of the internet places are closed so we have to write from the members computer and we're in the house of the family Daniele. 

Well I should get going but I love you guys and pray for you all daily. Enjoy the sunshine!!! 

Love Hna Potrie 

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