Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week Sixty-two!


Where does the time go? Slow down! This week was good with a few obstacles, but nothing to bad. One day all of our appointments were falling through and we stopped and sat in front of the investigators house on this old car. We were really overwhelmed and almost at the point of tears. And we thought, what do you do now? So we prayed for help, comfort and guidance. It was a prayer of a lost child talking with her father. We finished the prayer and there coming up the road was a moto with one of our investigators. We were able to teach her and her mother and twin sister showed up soon after as well. There was no doubt that Heavenly Father had heard our prayer and was there to help and guide us. It never ceases to amaze me the help that we recieve when we ask. I loved in testimony meeting, a little boy here, Enzo, shared an experience of prayer. He was home alone with his little brother and he felt his throat begin to swell. In that moment of desperation he kneeled down and prayed asking for help. No sooner had he finsished when the tightness left and he was able to breathe calmly. The Lord truly heard his prayer and was watching over him. He loves us and watches over every single one of us.

As for new and weird food, it's been pretty normal. They eat a lot of mayo. It's like their condiment of choice here. A little gross at first, but you get used to it. The other day we ate lomos. Heart attack in a box. It's a thin piece of meat about the size to cover two hamburger buns. And then they put ham, cheese, fried egg, tomatoe, letucce and lots of mayo. Ya, nasty I could feel my heart work harder after. No Jk but it's nasty when you think about it. And they all think Americans eat bad. Hahahahaha  We have lunch appointments just about everyday because that's their big meal of the day here and then we work all day after we don't take a dinner break because that's the best time to work after the siesta. Oh and to explain better, we only give kisses on the cheek to the women. Hahaha, not the men. It's the way they greet and say good bye here. Its actually rude if you don't personally greet every person with a kiss or hand shake for the men. They aren't big on hugs here. Sometimes they do, but it's not their culture really. 

Well time to say good bye till next week, 
Hna Potrie 

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