Thursday, December 6, 2012

Week Sixty-Five

Hola Familia!
Alright - so this week I know that there were so many things that happened but I always get to the computer and can't remember anything.
 The new area is pure city. We live in an apt on the 11 floor. Ya, don't even think about how high that is right. Oh and sometimes here they cut the power when they want, and that's a lot of stairs. You can also hear people in the street all night as the cars drive by, so sleeping with a fan is a must. I thought I really wouldn't like it much but it's really growing on me. We also have a more residential area and we found a family of 8 and they are all in the baptismal age. Ya super stoked to work with them. Our first lesson was with a 25 year old woman who really needed the plan of salvation. It was awesome how strong the spirit was and to have the member testify and help in the lesson. Members are great missionaries!!!!!
Oh and one day we were just walking in the street and I saw a lady with a young womans necklace and her husband talked with us and told us about his friend that lives in this area that wants to be baptized and has been going to church with him. I love miracles like that on the mission.
I love the mission and love this work I just feel so much joy helping people understand more about the Savior and his restored gospel. I used an analogy this week with a contact that I loved. This man said he doesn't really believe in God because he can't see him. So I told him to think about the wind and imagine telling someone who doesn't believe in the wind that it's real. It's that same. We can't see it, but we feel it and we see it's affects, but we can't see it. I know that God exists even though we can't see Him I feel his love and see His hand in my life everyday. I love the gospel.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Lots of love and prayers,
 Hna Potrie

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