Alright, so today we recieved transfers and it's official - my last 6
weeks of the mission I will be here in Nueva Cordoba finishing training
Hna Rios. I'm excited to just give it everything I have till the end. It's surreal because right now we're working with people to be baptised
in March and then the work I do will be a lot of planting seeds so that
others can see the end result. I can't believe how the time goes. Oh
well, this week we're going to find families. We're looking for the
families that the Lord has prepared here. Natalia is doing great. She is
so sweet and wants to change her life. Her little girl Uma is so cute. I
just eat her to pieces everytime we are there. We really just need to
help her come to church. The ward had some exciting news here. They got a
new bishop. So it'll be interesting to work with a new bishop. I'm
excited and know it'll will bring great changes.
This week we went out and did visiting teaching. It was so great to
go and work with the Hna Maria. She is such a great example she is
really trying to help her family. I talked with her as we walked about
the importance of her example and if she wants her family to be eternal
and her children to change she needs to be the best example she can. She
is amazing. I respect her for everything that she has changed and
overcome in her life.
With Roxanna, we are still doing all that we can to help her. I
think I've learned alot about how blessed we are and how often we take
advantage of the basic things. I know that the Lord will bless her and
take care of her if she will keep turning to Him and put Him first in
her life.
I hope you all have a wonderful week. Love you all so much and thank you for everything!
Love Hna Potrie
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