Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Week Twenty-Five

Hola Familia!

It's great to hear from you guys. Sorry this email is a few days late. What happened is P day was changed to Thursday this week so we could have a zone meeting and P day together. It's because our zone is very spread out and in order to use our time the most effectivly we needed to have the meeting and P day together. It should be lots of fun, there's about 30 of us in the Bell Ville zone. I'm not gonna lie though when we found out late Sunday night about the meeting and change of P day I was super bummed. Because it's our only time to just have a break from the constant go go go all the time.

Anyways congrats to Sarah and Ryan on the new baby boy. Hope they're happy and healthy. Can't wait to meet the little guy! Well he'll be a lot bigger by then but still so excited.

The past week was super hot here temperatures in the 40's but with lots of humidity. It was crazy. Super grateful for the rain that we had after that. And the weather is beautiful now. It was funny all Monday it rained but it seemed to only rain once we entered the houses and then when we had to leave it would stop then start. Truly a blessing because working the whole day soaking wet is a lot harder. But finally we got caught in the rain in the evening and the streets have horrible draining systems so the water was rather high for biking so we had to change some appointments and knock doors instead.

I've also learned how to make the stuffing part for Empanadas Saltanians, each province has a different empanada. It's ground beef, onion, and potatoe with seasoning. So yummy. And also realized that I had cow stomach empanadas the other day. I didn't know it at the time but it was so delicious honestly I think a lot of these weird foods totally depend on the mamner in which it's cooked more than what it is.

So this weekend we were supposed to have two baptisms but yesterday was a day of oppostition. We are teaching Elian the little brother of Dulce and all we need is the persmission from his mom who works in a different city and yesterday she was in town so we passed by the house and immediately knew something was wrong. The mother wasn't very happy to see us and Elian was in tears. It broke my heart to see him cry and say I want to be baptized. What a pure and righteous desire he has. But in this moment he is learning to have more faith and patience that one day it will be possible just like his older sister. We also have a young girl Gianella she is friends of some new members and is super sweet. I really enjoy teaching her but again yesterday we tried to meet with her three times and couldn't find her and her mom stopped answering the phone. So we don't know if she will be baptized this week or the next. but I know it will happen. But through all of the canceled appointments we got a call from one investigator Luis. He called us and said that he was having a horrible day and wanted to talk with us right away. So we meet with him and he told us what's been happening and I just felt so much love from the Savior for him. He wants to have a better life and to find peace and I know he'll find it in the gospel. I pray that he will fight through the hard times to feel the joy and blessings of the atonement. It's amazing to me how a day can go totally wrong but in the end I still know that we were in the right place at the right time for Luis. It's the work of the Lord and I feel so blessed to be intrusted with this call. Everyday when I need a little more courage or faith I think of my Savior. He gave His life for me and I am grateful to give a year and a half of my life to help others come to know Him.

Oh and send thanks to Auntie Brenda for the Christmas Package I received it last week late but in good condition. Loved the photos of Grandpa!

Hope all is well my thoughts and prayers are with all of you always.

Lots of love,

Hna Potrie

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