Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Week Twenty-Four

Hola Familia!!!!!

It's been another crazy busy week and I can't believe how time is flying here in the mission. But news flash I love ARGENTINA !!!!!
I was riding around with Hna Frias to our next appointment and I said "Sabe que Hna" (know what Sister?) Me encanta Argentina! ( I love Argentina). It's true, although I still feel kind of lost in the language and culture I love it.

The good news is it will be cooling down soon and at night it's usually nice and cool. Last Monday though was crazy humid and we spent P day with the elders in our district. We made pizza in the church and it was so hot, we were dripping with sweat with the oven open and closed to change all the pizzas. The pizza here is very different but delicious, with lots of sauce thats more chunky, oregano, tomaotes, red peppers and always green olives and then this chesse that is really soft and creamy. Delicious really. We also played a bit of soccer - the best thing to do for P day!

This week we worked really hard at finding new people and teaching lessons. My comp Hna Frias is really bold at inviting people to be baptized and it's great. We are teaching the little brother of Dulce and we are praying to have the permission to baptize him. As we've increased our contacting it's been a real test of faith for me. More than once this week I had people yell at me because they think I'm American or because I speak English. It was really discouraging one night but my great companion helped pick me back up as she told me to think of my Savior who suffered so much and yet people rejected Him and that I am no better then Him, but that He is with me. And the next door we knocked on was much better. But really the greatest thing was to
feel the love of my Savior and Heavenly Father. We are not alone in this work. We saw miracles this week of people letting us in their houses and giving us time to teach. I know there are people in Bell Ville that have been prepared and are waiting for me to talk to them.

Also good news, we've been working with the family of Enzo and the mom finally came to church on Sunday!!! Miracle! We also went to pick up a little girl Shiela that's 8. She was so cute. We rode over on our bikes and asked if she wanted to ride with me on mine. Yes, I double people all the time. It's quite funny. But she wanted to ride her own. She really enjoyed church and wanted to know when we could go back again. So sweet - love her!

We've also had a miracle with Haydee. We had a lesson on tuesday and we're trying to teach her to feel the spirit and so she can recognize her answer about the book of mormon. So I opened to my favorite scriptures and started to share why they are important to me and how I feel closer to my Savior when I read them. I felt the Spirit so strongly and I knew it was there and testified to her that it was and yet she said that she felt nothing. I was shattered. I felt so much love for her like a grandma and yet I couldn't do anything more to help her understand. We rode away that night very sad because we feel so much love for her and want her to have this gospe. The next day we passed by again and she was very angry with us and me and Hna Frias were running out of patience and just in the moment we needed some help, Hno Hugo Osess rode up and came and shared his powerful testimony of the book of mormon because that is how he learned to read. Such a blessing for us. Haydee still hasn't progressed but I know that Heavenly Father cared enough to send someone else to help all of us that day. What a blessing.

This gospel is such a blessing and I pray every day to be a better missionary. I know the Lord is watching over all of us and pray that we will always remember to do the things that He has asked us to help us in this life. READ, and PRAY everyday!

Lots of love and prayers,

Hna Potrie

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