Thursday, June 14, 2012

Week Forty-One

Alright so I feel like a million things happened this week because we've been working our tails off. Literally, we're running from appointment to appointment just to help these wonderful people in Oncativo. The great news is that Danitza and her brother Fred came to church this week. I feel a baptism coming and I'm so excited! I'm so hungry to bring souls unto Christ. Not sure what week exactly, but it'll happen I have no doubt, only FAITH!!!! 
So other crazy things this week we ate at a chinese food place which is nothing like back home. It was very Argentine with fresh bread on the table and pasta. Very interesting but they also had ice cream. May or may not have gotten my money worth in ice cream. Hahahaha. Don't worry mom, all my clothes still fit. Speaking of, I bought a couple sweaters because it's freezing here. Seriously like -5 in the night. Which I know is nothing but when your little heater in the apartment shuts off sporadically, it is. And it's very humid. For example the salt won't shake out - it's like a paste. So we stole a few of the space heaters from the church to keep us warm at night which helps a lot. I imagine it looked weird to see to young girls walking down the street with space heaters though. Hahaha. It's always interesting to when we knock a door and they say "aw poor girls why are you outside? It's cold." And we explain that it doesn't matter because our message is very important and ask to come in and share something and then they say no because it's cold and we would let in the cold. Bahahahaha ya super nice. We just laugh and walk away because what they say doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter though, I love the mission, I love my Savior, and know that we are not alone in those streets. We've been working hard and laughing and having fun.  
Hna Frias is awesome and I'm so happy to be working aful (a lot). Oh and a funny story to make you all smile is that we stopped by the house of this inactive, Ann Laura, and we ended up doing service. Cleaning her yard and cutting wood. Now maybe you don't see why this would be funny, but let me paint a picture. My comp sweeping the pavement, and me in a black skirt, purple shirt, grandma missionary shoes, sweating like crazy chopping this wood with a dull axe. Ya, wish I had a camera that worked for that one. It felt good to do some real physical work but I felt it the next day as I rolled out of bed.
Anyways you should all know that I love you, pray for you, and think about you. I hope that you are all doing well. I gave a talk yesterday about recieving revelation through the Book of Mormon. I talked about how the book is like a new car so if it's not working, we needed to adjust how we're trying to drive. Which is so true. I learned a lot from writing it. It all depends in the effort we put in. If we do it with purpose or just read the pages no más. Are we trying to create an environment where the spirit can guide and teach? Or do we have the latest song on the radio stuck in our heads? It's interesting no? Well I hope you are all reading with a purpose. That book is amazing. Read it and feel the love Heavenly Father has for you and learn about our dear Savior.... I love you all in case you forgot. Keep your heads and up and remember to smile - it's a great cure for many things.
Love Hna Potrie

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