Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week Forty!


Alright so the big transfer news you've all been waiting for - Hna Potrie is staying in Oncativo and the twist, Hna Adair left for the city because they're putting four Hnas in one apartment and area. So my new comp is one that you've heard of before: Hna Frias from Salta Argentina!!!!! It was a crazy transfer call as I was almost 100% certain that I would be leaving, but nope just got a new comp. Which isn't a surprise but crazy that it's Hna Frias again. But I love her and she is just what this area needs, someone packed with animo (someone who is just super excited about the work) and she lays some thick smack down some times which is good. Not in an angry way, but like a help people realise they need to change way. It's awesome. Plus it's going to help my Spanish like crazy because she is latina. I love me some latins!

So we are so excited because we got Danitza in the church!!!! She's going to be baptized I just know it. We're going to teach her tonight and it will be awesome. I just want to help her progress. It was sad to see Hna Adair leave because I realized how much this transfer has brought us together.

I'm glad you had a great time with Sharla going to the temple and being tourists. It sounds quite heavenly. We might have to do a repeat sort of trip when I'm home!!!!! But we're not going to think about that because there is still lots of time. But holy smokes this week will be 9 months in the mission!!! Where did the time go seriously? Oh and my camera is having problems it says 'error zoom' and won't open. I asked at a photo shop here and they said they would have to send it away to try and fix it so I'll try that first and if that doesn't work, I guess I'll have to buy a new one.

Oh and the time in Bell Ville was really bitter sweet. So amazing to see everyone but hard to say good bye. I told them you really feel like family to me and I pray for them always just like all of you at home that I love so much. It's something I'm learning on the mission. To just love people and totally open my heart to them. It's hard, and sometimes means you have to deal with the pain of leaving, but it makes life so much richer and helps these people feel why this message is important for me and them. I love the Argentine people it really hurts when we try to explain over and over how this gospel can help them and you can feel the spirit is there and see it hit them and then they change subjects and move on.

I've also decided that the mission makes us feel like old ladies. From wearing knee highs to having our bodies just be so tired and sore from walking and running to appointments. It's crazy. But I love it.

Anyways, I hope all is well. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

Con Amor Hija, Hermana, Amiga suyo, M Potrie

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